Did you get your name on ‘FaceBook’? Here’s how to…

This past Saturday Facebook made it possible for you to get Facebook.com/yourname as a username. All you have to do is go to Facebook.com/yourname and sign up (if you don’t have a Facebook account yet), or log in and check to see if your name is available.
Here’s a tip: when you log in you’ll [...]

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My Pants Just Fell Off! (an unusual story to help your internet business)

I just put on a pair of my favorite jeans and they just fell off!
Last time I wore them a month ago these jeans were snug around my waist. Now I need a belt or they’ll drop to my ankles.
I’m shrinking – losing about a pound every day and I’ve lost 24 pounds in [...]

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Finally, CraigPerrine.com is launched!

It’s been a long time coming, but after a long dip ‘under the radar’, I’m finally getting back to active blogging.
So many of my friends, subscribers, and joint venture partners have asked me where the heck I’ve been for the last two years because I’ve posted soooo infrequently.
The answer is a series of amazing stories that [...]

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